Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Help for Jackie part 2.... such a relief!

Hi guys, so officially my father has been allowed to be discharged from the hospital this morning, and hence, be allowed to fly home without the need of an escort team, just this afternoon! Please pray for my my father, my mom and my aunty that they will arrive safely at the destination, so that my father can receive his operation/treatment ASAP. Therefore with that, I shall be able to at least get a short of moment of peace and rest now, and hence I shall call for a 'stop' for the fundraising effort so far. Thanks again for all the telephone call, hospital visit, donation, etc etc, which are really important for our family in such a difficult period for us. No words can describe how grateful I am to everyone that has helped us so much! I will update again later about my father's progress as well as about the status of the funds once everything has been clear to me. Thanks again.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Jackie needs help!

Jackie needs help! Dear all, To cut the story short, my father is in the Royal United Hospital, Bath, UK now. He had third stage gastric / stomach cancer, and he had surgery in Malaysia to remove the tumour. Currently he is suppose to be in between his third and fourth chemotherapy session. His condition in Malaysia was fine, however after arriving in UK he started to vomit which lead to his hospitalisation. Recently via a CT scan, it seemed that the cancer may have spread, which may be related to the partial obstruction of his bowel now. I was only made aware of his cancer story when he arrived in UK about a week ago. Therefore I was really unprepared for everything now, especially emotionally. And may be due to their under-education, my parents did not realise they should have bought medical insurance/health card to cover any possibly incurred medical cost for they stay in UK. I have planned to get my father the earliest flight back to Malaysia, unfortunately based on his current condition, the doctor/consultant does not allow him to fly without medical assistance. I currently need to gather £16000 by 9 July 2013 to pay for the escort company to enable me send him home safely. As a foreign visitor, a full night in the hospital will cost 372 pounds. Plus, there are a few tests yet to be done and some may cost up to 500 pounds. I have spoken to the Malaysian Consulate based in UK as well, unfortunately they cannot be of much help, especially financially. As a government scholar from not a very wealthy family, his medical cost is my main concern now. I myself do have some savings it will not be enough to cover for his eventual medical bills (and perhaps, cost for emergency flight). Yet a life is more important than anything else. While following my father's daily condition closely beside his bed, the only thing that I can do now is to seek extra source of funding to cover his probable medical expenses, as much as possible. Every contribution, no matter how small, will really count now. At the same time, I will be greatly appreciative if you are able to recommend me any other possible extra sources of funding/connection/help to support me/my family in such a difficult period for us. E.G. if anyone is able to research for me the cheapest escort service available from London to Kuala Lumpur / Kota Kinabalu. Thank you so much, Jackie My UK bank details: Lloyds TSB Name: MR. JACKIE C K HO Sortcode: 309054 Account number: 31490860

Sunday, February 3, 2013

final sem as student :-(

Final semester as a student. It is great to meet with friends again but it will be goodbye soon :-( Really have to appreciate d time remaining

Sunday, December 2, 2012

I know the world is going to end, but can I finish my essay first b4 world ends :-( ?

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Way of life

多行善,多布施,少积恶,少伤人, 让自己平和一些,不求富贵,但求平安。要知道世间最难求的,就是平安了

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Love n hate

u cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects something u love or hate about urself. Others are only mirrors of urself!

Friday, April 6, 2012

A good article to share 2

【人的一生 到底在追求甚麼?】

一個美國商人坐在墨西哥海邊一個小漁村的碼頭上,看著一個墨西哥漁夫划著一艘小船靠岸,小船上有好幾尾大黃鰭鮪魚 ,這個美國商人對墨西哥漁夫能抓到這麼高檔的魚恭維了一番,還問要多少時間才能抓這麼多。

墨西哥漁夫說:才一會兒功夫就抓到了 。
美國人再問:你為甚麼不待久一點 好多抓一些魚。


墨西哥漁夫解釋:我呀 我每天睡到自然醒.出海抓幾條魚 .回來後跟孩子們玩一玩. 再跟老婆睡個午覺. 黃昏時晃到村子裡聊天.跟哥兒們玩玩吉他. 我的日子可過得充滿又忙碌呢 ?

美國人不以為然. 幫他出主意. 他說:我是美國哈佛大學企管碩士. 我倒是可以幫你忙.你應該每天多花一些時間去抓魚. 到時候你就有錢去買條大一點的船.自然你就可以抓更多魚. 在買更多漁船. 然後你就可以擁有一個漁船隊 。

到時候你就不必把魚賣給魚販子. 而是直接賣給加工廠 。

然後你可以自己開一家罐頭工廠. 如此你就可以控制整個生產. 加工處理和行銷.然。後你可以離開這個小漁村. 搬到墨西哥城. 再搬到洛杉磯 最後到紐約

美國人回答:十五到二十年 。

然後呢 ?


時機一到 你就可以宣佈股票上市 把你的公司股份賣給投資大眾 .到時候你就發啦 你可以幾億幾億地賺。



你可以搬到海邊的小漁村去住. 每天睡到自然醒. 出海隨便抓幾條魚
. 跟孩子們玩一玩. 再跟老婆睡個午覺. 黃昏時. 晃到村子裡聊天. 跟哥兒們玩玩吉他囉!


人的一生 到底在追求甚麼?

~ 轉載~


by: Kikim Share